In this session, I will take your through 20 Important Questions on Karnataka Government Schemes. Karnataka is located in the Southwest part of India and is surrounded by Arabian Sea to the west, Goa to the northwest, Maharashtra to the north, Telangana to the northeast, Andhra Pradesh to the east, Tamil Nadu to the southeast, and Kerala to the south. We will go through the important questions on Karnataka Government Schemes that can be asked in your examination.
Karnataka Government Schemes
Also Read: 23 Best Questions on Andhra Government Schemes
1. How much assistance Karnataka Government will provide to silk, cotton, woolen and other handloom weavers under Nekar Samman Yojane ?
Ans. Rs 2,000
2. How much amount will be provided to bride & groom on wedding under Karnataka Saptapadi Vivah Yojana 2020 ?
Ans. Rs 50,000
3. Which Scheme is Launched to protect important monuments and buildings which does not figure in lists of Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) or in the Karnataka archaeology department ?
Ans. Karnataka Samrakshane Scheme 2020-21
4. Which Scheme is Launched for doorstep delivery of services in Karnataka ?
Ans. Janasevaka Scheme 2020
Also Read: Karnataka Government Schemes
5. How many Undergraduate Students will get free laptop under Karnataka Government Free Laptop Scheme ?
Ans. 1.1 Lakh UG Students
6. How much amount government will spend under CM Rural Sumarga Scheme in next 5 Years ?
Ans. Rs. 7,182 crore
7. How much amount will be given to Bride and Groom under Karnataka Government Taali Bhagya Scheme ?
Ans. Rs. 5,000 will be given to groom and Rs. 10,000 for bride
8. At what interest farmers can obtain loan under Gruhalaxmi Crop Loan Scheme 2019 ?
Ans. 3% Interest
Also Read: 20 Important Questions on Maharashtra Government Schemes
9. How much Financial Assistance Karnataka Government providing to millet growers to promote millet farming under Raitha Siri Scheme ?
Ans. Rs. 10,000 per hectare
10. How much Subsidy Karnataka Government will provide to self help groups to procure coir under Kalpavruksha Kayaka Niti policy ?
Ans. 10%
11. How many Industrial Cluster Karnataka Government will introduce under Compete with China Scheme ?
Ans 9 Industrial Clusters in 9 Districts
12. How much Budget has been allocated by the Karnataka Government under Prabuddha Scheme ?
Ans. Rs 120 Crore
Also Read: 20 Best Asked Questions on Manipur Government Schemes
13. Which Scheme has been launched for SC/ST Students to pursue their undergraduate, post graduate and Ph.D programmes in international universities at little or no cost ?
Ans. Prabuddha Scheme
14. What is the Objective of starting Karnataka Unnati Scheme for Startups ?
Ans. The primary objective to start such kind of scheme for startups is to find new ideas to solve old age issues.
15. Upto how much funding Karnataka Government will provide to Start ups under Unnati Scheme ?
Ans, Upto Rs 50 Lakh
16. Which of the different Schemes Poushtika Karnataka Yojana will cover under Poshan Abhiyan (National Nutrition Mission) ?
Ans. Various Schemes which will be covered are as follows :-
- Integrated Child Development Services (anganwadis)
- Mathrupoorna (one full meal programme)
- Srushti scheme (providing eggs to children)
- Ksheera Bhagya (milk)
- Janani Suraksha Yojana
- Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram
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17. How much allowance will be provided as pregnancy aid to mother of Below Poverty Line (BPL) families under Karnataka Government Mathrushree Scheme ?
Ans. Rs 6000
18. How much Loan will be given to Street Vendors / Small Time Traders / Footpath Hawkers for a single day without interest or nominal interest under Badavara Bandhu One Day Loan Scheme ?
Ans. Rs 1000
19. How much Guaranteed Annual Income will be provided to Dry Land Farmers under Raita Belaku Scheme ?
Ans. Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000 per hectare
20. Under which scheme Karnataka Government will provide free sarees and panches to the poor households ?
Ans. Vastra Bhagya Scheme
I hope you liked the questions on Karnataka Government Schemes. Please let me know your feedback on Comment Box.