In this article, I will take you through 25 Important Questions on India's Electricity Demand and Issues. In a Developing Country like India there is a big Challenge to fulfill the Energy demand of the Country. While the Government are making efforts to increase the Energy Production in the Country, at the same time we also see a focus on upgrading transmission equipment and reducing power theft which otherwise cause a heavy loss to the DISCOMs.
Recently we saw the launching of National Smart Grid Mission, 2015 which includes using of Smart Grids and Smart Meter to monitor the Energy usage efficiently. I will cover all the important Questions that can be asked in your Exams from this topic of India's Electricity Demand and Issues.
India's Electricity Demand and Issues
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1. Who is the World's 3rd Largest Producer of Electricity ?
Ans. India
2. How much unit of Electricity India Produced in the Year 2017 ?
Ans. 1160.1 billion units of electricity
3. What is the country Installed Power Generating Capacity as of June 30, 2020 ?
Ans. 371.054 GW
4. How much Country Consumption is going to reach by 2022 as per IBEF ?
Ans. 1894.7 TWh
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5. How much Capacity India Planned to achieve from Wind Energy by the Year 2022 ?
Ans. 60 GW
6. How much Capacity India Planned to achieve from Solar Energy by the Year 2022 ?
Ans. 100 GW
7. What is IBEF ?
Ans. IBEF is known as India Brand Equity Foundation. It is an arm of India's Government Ministry of Commerce.
8. Who operate and maintain the National Grid of India ?
Ans. Power Grid Corporation of India
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9. How many Grids are there in National Grid ?
Ans. There are 5 Grids which interconnects and form National Grid:-
- Northern Grid
- Eastern Grid
- Western Grid
- North Eastern Grid
- Southern Grid
10. When was the first interconnection of Regional Grid happened ?
Ans. It was in 1991 between Eastern and North-Eastern Grid.
11. Which of the Places are not connected to National Grid ?
Ans. It is the Union Territories of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep.
12. When did the India became a net exporter of electricity for the first time ?
Ans. In the fiscal year of 2016-17.
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13. From which country India is currently importing electricity ?
Ans. Bhutan
14. How much is the India's Transmission and Distribution(T&D) Loss ?
Ans. Almost 20% of generation capacity
15. To which of the Countries India's is currently exporting Electricity ?
Ans. Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar
16. What are the important reasons for Electricity Losses in India ?
Ans. Few of the reasons are:-
- Technical Losses: This is inevitable loss which happens naturally and typically cannot be avoided much. This is due to resistance of wires and equipments through which electricity passes.
- Theft: This is the main reason for Electricity Losses in India. In a lot of places, electricity is being bypassed and meter is tampered.
Also Read: Electricity Demands and Transmission Losses in India
17. In how many states Transmission Loss has gone up from 20% to 56% ?
Ans. 16 States
18. Which Programme has been launched by the Union Government to reduce losses and improving the power distribution sector of state utilities ?
Ans. Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (R-APDRP)
19. What is Smart Grid ?
Ans. A smart grid is a digital electrical grid with an information network that facilitates the gathering and distribution of information with regard to the usage of power by suppliers and consumers. This will lead to electricity services becoming reliable, efficient, cost effective, and environmentally conscious.
20. Which act governs the Transmission and distribution of Electricity Demands ?
Ans. The Electricity Act of 2003
Also Read: Electricity Demands - National Smart Grid Mission and Smart Grid Knowledge Center
21. What is National Smart Grid Mission launched by the Government in 2015 ?
Ans. It is an institutional mechanism for planning, monitoring and implementation of policies and programs related to Smart Grid activities.
22. Who has Developed the Smart Grid Knowledge Center ?
Ans. The Smart Grid Knowledge Center (SGKC) being developed by POWERGRID with funding from MoP.
23. What are the different amendments done for Electricity Act, 2003 in 2007 to strengthen the India's Electricity Demands ?
Ans. Below are the different amendments done:-
- Elimination of cross subsidy and levy of surcharges on Industrial consumers to subsidise agricultural consumers.
- The National Electricity Policy 2005 to carry out the mandates of Electricity Act 2003 and address issues on rural electrification, recovery of cost of services and targeted subsidies.
- The National Tariff Policy 2006 to strengthen financial viability of SEBs and attract private investments. The Multi-Year tariff (MYT) aims at minimising risks to Utilities and consumers and reducing system losses.
24. What is the main aim of Rural Electrification Policy, 2006 ?
Ans. It aims at extending power supply to people below poverty line.
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25. What are the different ways through which Technical Power Transmission Loss can be reduced ?
Ans. Below are the different ways:-
- Install capacitor banks.
- Re-conductoring overloaded lines with bigger conductors.
- Avoid any overloading of system and monitor the progress in losses reduction.
- Disconnect unloaded transformers to avoid no-load losses. Balance the transformer loading to reduce the neutral current and power losses.
- Upgrade transformers to match the load and the installed capacity, and to replace old/ degraded ones.
- Ensure that all industrial customers are meeting the requirement of 0.9 PF.
- Perform regular preventive maintenance.
- Ensure the frequent live-line washing to reduce the leakage current.
- Use of advanced technology to manufacturing electric machines, generators. Motors and transmission line conductors with super conducting materials
- Energy conservation in utility systems and appliances
- Energy auditing in industry and commercial centres
- Use of energy efficient appliances and behavioural practices of energy uses
- Use of High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS) to clusters of agricultural and bulk consumers
- Allowing differential and dynamic tariff pricing to peak load shaving and reducing losses
- Developing High Voltage transmission networks between National and regional Grids
- Smart Grids and distribution automation with smart meters
- Use of ICT for electricity pricing, billing, collection and accounting system professionally
- Shunt and series compensation systems in long transmission lines at appropriate locations
- Reactive power management in T&D systems.
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