In this session, we will go through 20 Best Questions of Haryana Government Schemes. Haryana is located in the Northern Part of India and is surrounded by Himachal Pradesh to the north-east, by river Yamuna along its eastern border with Uttar Pradesh, by Rajasthan to the west and south. We will go through all the Important Questions on Haryana Government Schemes that can be asked in your Exams.
Haryana Government Schemes
Also Read: 20 Important Questions on Madhya Pradesh Government Schemes for All Exams
1. What are the different Haryana Government Schemes running under Department of Health and Family Welfare ?
Ans. Below are the Schemes:-
- ASHA incentive
- Chaudhary Devi Lal Rashtriya Utthan Evam Parivar Kalyan Yojana Devi Rupak Scheme
- Family Planning Compensation Scheme
- Family Planning Indemnity Scheme
- Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram
- Janani Suraksha Yojana
- NIKSHAY-DOT Provider Honorarium
- Payment to contractual staff under National Health Mission
- TB Notification incentive for Private Sector
- TB Patient Incentive for Nutritional Support
2. What are the different Haryana Government Schemes running under Department Of Rural Development ?
Ans. Below are the Schemes:-
- Deen Dayal Upadhyay Grameen Kaushalya Yojna
- Mahatma Gandhi NREGS
3. How much Subsidy Haryana Government is providing on agriculture spray pumps to farmers of the Schedule Caste communities ?
Ans. 50% Subsidy
4. What are the different Haryana Government Schemes running under Department Of Agriculture And Farmers Welfare ?
Ans. Below are the Schemes:-
- Agriculture Technology Management Agency ATMA.
- National Food Security Mission NFSM 60:40
- Scheme for Agricultural Engineering and Trial Boring
- Scheme for Promotion of Cotton Cultivation in Haryana State.
- Scheme for Promotion of Crop Diversification
- Scheme for Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture - Strategic Initiatives
- Scheme for Providing Assistance on adoption of Water Saving Technologies
- Scheme for Providing implements/ Machinery on subsidy to the group of farmers and farmers of SC category
- Scheme for Technology Mission on Sugarcane
- Sub Mission on Agricultural Extension SMAE
- Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization SMAM 60:40
Also Read: Haryana Government Schemes
5. What are the different Haryana Government Schemes running under Department Of Women And Child Development ?
Ans. Below are the Schemes:-
- Child Protection Services-Facilities to Beneficiaries
- Child Protection Services-Facilities to Beneficiaries Sponsorship
- Integrated Child Development Scheme Honorarium to AWW and AWH
- Integrated child development Scheme Training Programme
- Integrated Child Development Services Supplementary Nutrition Programme
- Integrated Child Protection Scheme Salary to Staff
- Mahila Shakti Kendra
- Pardhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana
- Protection and Empowerment of Women Swadhar Greh facilities to Beneficiaries
- Protection and Empowerment of Women Swadhar Greh Salary to staff
- Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme
- Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme Honorarium to Worker
- Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls SABLA Nutrition and Non Nutrition
- Ujjawala Facilities to Beneficiaries
6. What are the different Haryana Government Schemes running under Department Of Higher Education ?
Ans. Below are the Schemes:-
- Consolidated Stipend Scheme for the Welfare of Scheduled Caste Students pursuing Higher Education in Government Colleges of Haryana
- Haryana State merit scholarship to Under Graduate Girls Students
- Haryana State Meritorious incentive scheme for the students who attain first position in CBSE annual Exams in the State
- Haryana State Meritorious incentive scheme Scholarship
- Lower Income Group Non Plan
- Providing free books to SC students of Govt Colleges
- State Merit Scholarship
- Stipend Scheme for the Welfare of Grand Children of Freedom Fighters
7. Upto how much Loan Haryana Government will provide to Schedule Caste Category Womens under Mahila Samridhi Yojana ?
Ans. Upto Rs. 60,000 at only 5% per annum rate of interest
8. What are the different Haryana Government Schemes running under Department Of Elementary Education ?
Ans. Below are the Schemes:-
- Cash Award Scheme for Schedule Caste Classes 1 to V111 for Boys and Girls one time cash in year
- Free Bicycle SC Students in Class 6th
- Mid Day Meal Scheme
- Monthly Stipend for BC-A students in class 1-V111
- Monthly stipend to all Scheduled Caste Student in Classes 1 to V111
- Monthly stipend to BPL students in class 1-V111
- Rajiv gandhi Scholarship EEE
- Samagra Shiksha Intervention of uniform/textbooks
Also Read: 20 Important Questions on Karnataka Government Schemes for All Exams
9. What are the different Haryana Government Schemes running under Food Civil Supplies And Consumer Affairs ?
Ans. Below are the Schemes:-
- Distribution of Sugar
- Kerosene free Haryana
10. What are the different Haryana Government Schemes running under Department Of Urban Local Bodies ?
Ans. Below are the Schemes:-
- Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission DAY-NULM
- Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban PMAY-U
- Swachh Bharat Mission Urban
11. Which Portal is Launched to provide unique identity to each family in the state of Haryana ?
Ans. Parivar Pehchan Patra
12. How much Pension Haryana Government is providing all the disabled persons of Haryana domicile with more than 60% disability and above 18 years of age ?
Ans. Rs 18000 per month
Also Read: Haryana Government Schemes
13. What are the different Haryana Government Schemes running under Department Of Employment ?
Ans. Below are the Schemes:-
- Educated Youth Allowance and Honorarium Scheme - 2016 SAKSHAM YUVA Scheme
- Unemployment Allowance Scheme for the Educated Unemployed Youth
14. What are the different Haryana Government Schemes running under Department Of AYUSH ?
Ans. Below is the Scheme:-
- National AYUSH Mission
15. What are the different Haryana Government Schemes running under Department Of Animal Husbandry And Dairying ?
Ans. Below are the Schemes:-
- Scheme for employment opportunities to Scheduled Castes by establishing Livestock Units SCSP.
- Scheme for establishment of Hi-tech and Mini Dairy units.
- Scheme for Integrated Murrah Development
- Scheme for Livestock Health and Disease Control
- Scheme for the Conservation and Development of Indigenous Cattle.
16. What are the different Haryana Government Schemes running under Welfare Of Scheduled Caste And Backward Classes Department ?
Ans. Below are the Schemes:-
- Creation of Employment Generation Opportunities by setting up Employment Oriented Institutes/Training Programmes.
- Dr Ambedkar Pre-Matric and Post-Matric Scholarship for DNTs
- Dr. Ambedkar Medhavi Chhatra Yojna
- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Awas Navinikarn Yojna
- Monetary Relief to the Victim of Atrocities
- Mukhya Mantri Vivah Shagun Yojna
- Post Matric Scholarship for Other Backward Classes Students
- Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for Scheduled Caste Students
- Pre-Matric Scholarship for the children involving in cleaning and prone to health hazards
- Pre-Matric Scholarship to Other Backward Classes Students
- Pre-Matric Scholarship to Scheduled Castes Students studying in 9th and 10 th classes
- Scheme for Availing Financial Assistance for the Higher Competitive /Entrance Examination to SC/BC Candidates
- Tailoring Training to Scheduled Castes widows/ destitute women/ girls
- Up-gradation of the Typing and Data Entry Skill of the Scheduled Casts and Backward Classes Unemployed Youth through Computer Training
- Upgradation of Merit of Scheduled Castes Students
Also Read: 20 Important Questions on Maharashtra Government Schemes
17. What are the different Haryana Government Schemes running under Department Of Sports And Youth Affairs ?
Ans. Below are the Schemes:-
- 47 Promotion Sports Activities - E and T- plan
- 52 Sports Award / incentive scheme 87Honorarium
- 52 Sports Award and incentive scheme - reward
- 789 Special component for SC-Plan
- 92 Stipends Scheme - N-
- 96 Scholarships to school children -12 scholarship and stipend -Non Plan
- Old Age Pension Scheme Non- Plan
18. How much Pension does all the deserted / destitute / vidhwa women with more than 18 years of age will get under Haryana Widow & Destitute Women Pension Scheme ?
Ans. Rs 2250 as monthly Pension
19. How much Amount Haryana State Government will provide to all the citizens suffering from cancer and kidney disease under New Kidney / Cancer Patients Pension Scheme ?
Ans. Rs 2250 per month
20. How much Insurance does Haryana Government will provide to all the Traders under Mukhyamantri Vyapari Samuhik Niji Durghatna Bima Yojana ?
Ans. Rs 5 Lakh
Also Read: 20 Best Questions on Jharkhand Government Schemes for All Competitive Exams
21. How much Insurance coverage Haryana State Government is providing to all small and medium traders, shopkeepers, self employed persons under Mukhyamantri Vyapari Kshatipurti Beema Yojana 2019 ?
Ans. Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 25 lakh as per their stock / turnover